Why am I here? What is my purpose? For as long as I can remember I have been searching for greater self-understanding and meaning.
Motivated by wanting to make this world a better place, I worked for International Organisations on humanitarian, peace and indigenous community issues; but working to “save the world” within a patriarchal society which is “sick”, was leaving me more empty and confused about the ideas I had of a possible world. Something inside me knew that a world of harmony and collaboration is possible.
And so my inner search began. The processes of releasing my conditioning, patterns, becoming aware of my thoughts.
I practiced and studied different techniques, from more cognitive angles such as Psychology, Coaching, NLP to experiential ones. Trained in diverse embodiment technique, conscious movement and dance, bodywork, movement meditations and sitting meditations around the world.
In 2011 I came across Life Alignment an Energy Medicine vibrational energy healing system, in which I became a practitioner. Thanks to this system I went deep into how our body, emotions, thoughts and energy fields are connected and how are body is a BioComputer. To access the correct core issues I learned kinesiology as the body knows it all and carries all the information, along with many other things which I now use in my 1-1 online sessions.
In 2014 my intuition guided me to stop using the energy healing systems I had learned and to connect and learn from Gaia - Mother Earth.
It was then when the Divine Love Language started coming through, I started understanding that all was inside, and that I could expand my consciousness to connect with other frequencies, (be it from the elemental kingdom, angelic realms, star families), and clear conditioning to accelerate the consciousness path for people.
All this journey to trusting the energy has not been easy, I have had my openings and contractions, the moments of believing and the moments of great skepticism. A whole bunch of conditioning to release. We are extremely conditioned, down to the core of our cellular memory to not trust. To feel like we are frauds, to not speak our truth, to not be our true being/essence.
Then I came across AuraTransformation, this is a consciousness expanding treatment that was another turning point in my life. Upgrading my energy system made it possible to hold all my Spirt energy in my body and it created a permanent protection of my energy field, which assisted in “unplugging me” from the collective unconsciousness, generational patterns, karmic debt, and put me on “mission”. I am no longer all the unconscious patterning I was and I know what I came here to do.
I now also not only practice AuraTransformation on many people from all over but I speak passionately about the New Time Energies and the Evolution of Consciousness we are going through.
My hope is for as many people as possible to jump into the New Time Energies, living from their heart and fulfilling their Dharma, or at least to become aware that change on an energy and consciousness level is happening.
I know that if we live in the New Time Energies, then we will create that place which I knew in my Heart was possible when I was young, an Earth based on harmony, respect, integrity and collaboration will be created.