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444 Light Language Energy Transmission / Meditation

Join me on 22/04/2020 (444 Portal) for a Light Language Energy Transmission / Meditation

Utilise this portal day to open up and anchor the New Energies accessing Earth now and release what is ready to leave your body and your energy field.

Since it is Earth Day part of the earnings from this will go to an Earth cause organisation.

As we heal Ourselves we heal Earth

Gathering will take place online 9AM PST / 6PM CET

Please email me: for registration & payment details


“As soon as I heard her voice I got a smile on my face. Felt in good hands and somehow I had the imagination of Little People being with me with a loving happiness. I relaxed during the session and my inner eye watched what happened to me. I felt lighter, happier already during the treatment.  After I got up and looked around I realised that the world looked different for me. I felt so happy, could not stop smiling around and all my sadness was gone. It was such a nice feeling that last longer. In the morning of the next day I was joking and totally happy… Thanks, Barbara for this wonderful change and fantastic well-being!”

“Thank for holding space with your New Earth gathering.  As well as inviting in the angels and healing activations with your Language of Light.  When you shared your vocals I immediately felt the presence of angels heightened and encircling bringing me a wonderful sense of peace and familiarity; a sense of being home.  I could feel some toning forming in my throat but didn't come out.   So I continued to be in gratitude and allow myself to receive the gifts you were channeling and incredibly I felt and saw violet light cascading all around.  And I thought, ' This is good.  Very good for all present and all people's, all animals and all of the earth.'  I acknowledged St. Germain and archangel Zadkiel and the violet light began to swirl and I felt ancestors and more ascended masters.  I felt wonderful energy all around.  I was very content  wishing to remain in that meditation space. I would love to linger there longer to experience the healing messages deeply.”