24.4.22 Earth Songs

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7 .4. 2021

It is important to understand that the Platform of Consciousness that children operate from is completely different than that of the adults.

The belief systems and collective conditioning that most adults carry do not make sense to the children of today … and pushing these onto them only lowers their vibration.

They are not going to take these beliefs on, so as a result they create chaos in the field/surrounding.

This way we need to start looking at ourselves and at why things are not “working”.

7 .2. 2021

It is so important to take care of ourselves energetically - We are Energy … and it is important to take care of Ourselves.

We are not only our Physical Body, but in the same way that we take care of our physical body with food, exercise, supplements, sleep … We also have to take care of our Energetic Body which is the invisible space around us, our energy system or field.

23 January 2021

It is important to become aware that every time we make a choice we have an impact on the Whole, this is not something that is obvious to many people, as our conditioning makes us belief that we are separate from one another; but in reality we all have a great impact on the Whole and every action, thought and feeling has an impact on the rest.

When we choose, and we look at it from the Higher Perspective, no choice is Right or Wrong. They are just choices that take you on one path or another; but it is actually the choice of choosing either Love or Fear.

When we choose consciously and become aware of the importance of our choice for the rest or the Whole, we then choose Love. This is why it is so important to examine Ourselves and let go of our beliefs and conditionings that limit us to a certain way of being and therefore to choosing Fear.

Choosing consciously is being actually aware of your Truth, your Potential and not limited by the construct, programs, ideas, believes or the movie that we tell ourselves or that has been planted in our subconscious.

We can see this as being a little like a video game, where depending on what door you choose you go into one world or another. Neither is good or bad, or better or worse, they are just different experiences when you see it from the Higher Perspective.

Now, when we see it from 3D we see it as choosing a good or bad, and if you choose bad then we move further down the vibration spiral into shame, guilt, more fear.

This group transmission activates the potential in us to choose from Love and release fear based conditioning.

12 September 2020

Somos La Esencia - Re-Descubriendonos

Cuando te conectas con La Fuente / con La Esencia, a través de AuraTransformation por ejemplo, y estás en completo equilibrio entre tu Ser Espiritual y tu Cuerpo Material, tus Elementos, y tu Masculino y Femenino, entonces estas entero.

Y vives desde una Nueva Plataforma de Consciencia.

Desde esta plataforma te empiezas a redescubrir y entonces tus prioridades cambian. Puedes empezar a descubrir aquello que realmente te importa desde un lugar mucho más puro y profundo.

En la realidad de la energía antigua o la 3D, muchas de las cosas que creemos necesitar o creer es simplemente ruido, condicionamientos impuestos por el tejido social/ el inconsciente colectivo.

El condicionamiento son verdades que nos han impuesto.

Entonces empiezas a conectarte con la Verdad de la Esencia, la Verdad Universal y dejas caer todo lo que ya no sirve, esas verdades que nos han impuesto.

Porque necesitamos ciertas cosas en concreto? Hay gente que no come y viven sanos .. Porque necesitamos comer?

10 September 2020

As the fires keep burning in California all I can sense within me is Rebirth. 

Life is about death and rebirth even in this reality, in this body. 

We need to burn through things to bring through the new. 

The fire element is our Passion, our Truth and when I see the forest burning I feel like a Rebirth of Truth is to come.  

7 July 2020

Hi! Today is the again a powerful energetic day (its non-stop!) ... 7/7 ... There is coding/meaning in all the numbers; numbers are part of the Sacred Geometry that creates Us, the Earth, the Universe and beyond. 
We are non-stop in powerful energetic processes.
To me it is a clear sign of how aware we need to be with our thoughts, choosing only thoughts of harmony, joy, unconditionality ... because we create with our thoughts, and there is no way around it.
To keep aligning with Your Highest Truth (harmony, joy, unconditional love) I have the following groups coming up: 

  • Saturday 11th - Vibrational Alignment Transmission / Activation. Click Here To Join.

  • Recordings: I have added 2 sessions from the past Saturdays which are key to my website, if you are called to you can purchase the recordings here. One has a Thyroid Activation which is connected to speaking One's Own Truth/Essence and the other one is claiming Energetic Sovereignty and Activating Ones Mission.

  •  New Series: 4 x 30min transmissions sessions, so we go straight into the energy. These take place on July 13th, 17th, 20th, 24th @ 9.00AM PST. If you want more info click here.

Hope to feel you soon! Keep breathing, connecting and claiming Your most balanced and harmonic state ... 
Love You! Barbara

6 July 2020

Saturday 4th of July - post Vibrational Alignment Transmission session - 12.12 CODE = Crystalline Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Anchoring our Crystal Consciousness - Divine Sovereign Being

Sábado 4 de Julio - post sesión de Transmisión de Alineamiento Vibrational - CODIGO 12.12 = Conciencia Cristalina, Conciencia Cristica, Anclando nuestra Conciencia Crystal - Ser Divino Soberano

Saturday 4th of July - post Vibrational Alignment Transmission session - 12.12 CODE = Crystalline Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Anchoring our Crystal Consciousness - Divine Sovereign BeingSábado 4 de Julio - post sesión de Transmisión de Alin…

Saturday 4th of July - post Vibrational Alignment Transmission session - 12.12 CODE = Crystalline Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Anchoring our Crystal Consciousness - Divine Sovereign Being

Sábado 4 de Julio - post sesión de Transmisión de Alineamiento Vibrational - CODIGO 12.12 = Conciencia Cristalina, Conciencia Cristica, Anclando nuestra Conciencia Crystal - Ser Divino Soberano

29 Junio 2020

La Vibración del Recibir

En las últimas semanas he recibido mucha información y comentarios sobre la carencia, sobre no tener aquello que queremos y no recibir aquello que queremos, no tener lo suficiente. Y he estado sintiendo la necesidad de hablar sobre esto, y por fin hoy me siento a escribir.

Siento que es muy importante sentir la Vibración del Recibir vs. Querer.

No hay nada malo en querer, pero de cierta manera, cuando realmente quieres algo, si eso no esta balanceado con la parte de la ecuación del recibir, entonces es muy posible que estemos creando una energía y emitiendo una vibración de carencia.

En cambio, si quieres pero simplemente te abres a las posibilidades del recibir esta vibración cambia completamente. Te abres a recibir de tantas otras maneras. Te abres al fluir. Si estás inconscientemente vibrando esa carencia al Universo eso es lo que vas a recibir de vuelta.

En cambio, si te abres a recibir entonces eres capaz de expandirte en tu poder creativo. Así que es muy clave empezar a ser consciente de cuando estamos emitiendo esta vibración de carencia.

Siente esto: 1. Cuando estas en carencia estás en contracción y no estas plenamente permitiendo el fluir de la creación. 2. Cuando estas en todo tu potencial de poder creativo estás expandido - esto es cuando estás abierto a la Confianza Plena y abierto a recibir de cualquier lado.

Así que esto se trata de ser conscientes de lo que emitimos y lo que atraemos y de darnos cuenta de cuando potencialmente estamos emitiendo carencia.

29 June 2020

Vibration of RECEIVING

In the last past weeks I have received a lot of information and comments about lack, about not having what one wants and not getting what one wants and not having enough. I have been feeling the urge to speak about it, but only just today I sat down to write.

I feel it is very important to tap into the Vibration of Receiving vs. Wanting.

There is nothing wrong with wanting, but in a certain way, when you really want something, if you are not balanced with the receiving side of the equation, then it is very possible that we are creating and energy and emitting a vibration of lack.

Were as if you want but you simply open up to the possibilities of receiving this vibration completely changes. You open up to receive in so many more ways.

If you are unconsciously vibrating that lack into the Universe that is what you are going to receive back.

Whereas, if you open up to receiving you then are able to expand into your creative power. So it is very key to start becoming aware of when we are sending this lack vibration.

Feel this: 1. When you are in lack you are contracted and you are not fully allowing for creation. 2. When you are in your full creative potential you are expanded - this is when you are open to Trust and open to Receive from any place.

So it is a matter for us to being aware of what we are sending out and bringing in and to catch ourselves when we are potentially sending out lack.


23 April 2020

Play! Make this all a game !

It is coming to me so Crystal clear … the whole of the Universe is telling us to play, to play the game we came here to play, which is to come “online” by overcoming our fears.

If we are able to be so aware that we can see/sense/catch our fears then to overcome this fear make it a little game. The time is calling us to be like children, present in the moment, trying and trying again. They don’t give up, it is all a game to them.

I have put this into practice in a few instances lately in my own life. I have seen a few patterns that I have turned into a fun game … and in a way when were are doing this we are becoming Alchemists.

When we make something that we are fearful or attached to a game then the whole of the experience relaxes, it is as if we can open up to the experience for it to flow and more awareness and consciousness to come in.

7 Feb 2020

When I fall pray of the needs

and wants.

When I look inside for answers. I tend to find the precious Space - the precious Being I AM.

I look inside to find the answers but there are no answers.

There is just The Being. The Essence, The Grace, The Gratitude.

The Oneness.

It is that cherry blossom

Waiting delicately to open

Up. To Flower and Bloom.

To connect to the gentle presence of what is.

The scent of Roses, Love and Harmony. The space in between where everything is possible. And Loving. And Caring.

Where all is love.

There are no assumptions of what should or hows or wants or needs.

Only Love and Acceptance.

Expansion of Love & Joy

In its purest sense

24 Jan 2020

Our reality is changing! Thank you bring us more!

Today my mother sent me an article she had just read about Janosh, a Dutch man who some years ago started receiving Arcturian Sacred Geometry downloads and with them he supports on the path of consciousness for many.

For so long I have been connected and working with Sacred Geometry and the Star Families. It is part of my being, and at the same time it is part of a different me than that which I used to share with my family and youth friends.

The fact that my mother sent me this makes me really vow down to the process, I have been in the “hidding” for so long. Something inside me doesn’t really feel the need to be in full disclosure, but this is a sign that perhaps it is time. Time for more and more people to start listening to the real story of how many of us have energetic contact with our Star Families and how much energy and love they are pouring at us in trying to guide us towards higher consciousness, assisting in elevating our vibration.

She told me … “Well I know very little, this is so strange to me…” And I said, that is ok. There is no right path. We all have different ones. Some “wake up” from one day to another with no previous contact with any sort of contact with “spirituality” … others meditate for decades and don’t find that sort of opening.

It is all depending on what we chose to come into this earth to do - our individual paths as spirits to experience here on earth. What is important though for all is to keep reexamining ourselves - what are our limiting beliefs, our conditionings, our negative thoughts.

If you are interested in knowing more about Janosh and his work his webpage is: www.byjanosh.com

20 Jan 2020



20 Jan 2020

The energetic of Gratitude brings Harmony to the whole of the body.

We are co-creators, our vibration creates our reality, but we have limiting beliefs imposed on us since birth, acquired from the time in the womb, our parents, teachers. Unconscious behaviour patters which our part of our moment by moment vibrations. So realise unconscious programs that seem irrelevant but are fear based and condition our reality.

As you raise your vibration programs start to disappear.

Gratitude is a vibration that creates harmony, coherence. A doorway of openness to our Superconsciousness … And this means opportunity for magic to flow in your life.

So I would suggest, and this is something I do consistently in my life, to try the following exercise.

I bless and am deeply grateful as soon as I wake up in the morning, I remind myself to put the hands on my chest in prayer position and with my eyes closed simply connect with the depths of my heart and being. And gratefulness comes from that, from simply really appreciating myself and that moment of connection.

Then I do the same as the above for every meal I eat, not only infusing it with energy but also grateful for having that fabulous food in front of me. I energise it and therefore I energise myself with gratefulness.

Many times, my body wants to move into prayer position, it is not only prayer it is and honouring. I will bow down to something, to someone, etc. and emulating this physically makes me feel the honouring and gratefulness that comes from it more profoundly.

Also, I take time to observe people. When I look into their eyes or observe their body or their things I see the beauty in it. I admire it. I love it and this love produces a sense of gratefulness, because in them I see myself.

Adding to this, as I go about my day, I am conscious enough to admire and be grateful for the things that surround me. If I hear a bird chirping I’ll make sure Im in awe with that. I’ll take time to admire the flowers and nature, the sun, the sunsets …. and be grateful for such beauty, inspiration and simplicity.

There is a saying, “fake it until you make it”. Well, know I really understand that this is so true. The more I expose myself to being grateful and to admire and the things to be grateful for in life the more I feel grateful.

And this is beautiful and I am grateful for knowing.

13 Jan 2020

This weekend marked an astrological alignment and phenomenon that many people were speaking about. I am not an astrology expert, but what I get from the meaning of this alignment is the shedding of the old - dying and rebirthing. Well, I just know I am feeling this today, I am feeling an old anger/frustration, deep, profound. And when I tap into it all I can do is but scream.. I want to scream so loud with such passion - express all this rage which is simply an outlet for energy. When let this out energetically there is no judgement, it is not rage, it is simply energy needing to be expressed. Unfortunately, in the world we live in if I were to scream to release this energy in the street, not at anyone, just simply releasing it people would judge it …. and I can understand, perhaps I would too.

Linked with the above I have been feeling deeply these days these unconscious layers of self-control and even self-sensorship. There is this underlying fear to express what is really there just to fit in, and with my rebellious anger today I say “fuck it”.

I want to express all that is there, let the energy flow through my body, through my voice, through my being. Become more of me and less of the system, of what should be.

And when you let that happen then the magic happens … I was on my bicycle in a spinning class, and let my body move as it needed, and in this freedom the energy was able to move in the way it needed, resulting in the raising of the Kundalini energy. It is this simple, this easy.. allow for the energy to express, to move as it wants and you will receive.

6 Jan 2020

I have a special place where I go meditate near my house. It is a little “forest” with a marvellous energy. As soon as you step out of the main path and into this forest you can feel the stillness and the magic openness. I feel really grateful that this forest is near to my house and that my intuition guided me to find it, as it is a gift for meditation and contemplation.

This morning I hiked up there with the intention of meditating - and during meditation I received the message to share the following experience I had in November during a Stargate Meditation Intensive in Mount Shasta.

We had had a session of meditation and when we finished I hadn’t felt specifically anything. Usually, if that happens and people are sharing their stories I might go into judgement and say … “Oh, this hasn’t happened to me..” or something of the sort. Anyway, some type of limiting judgement which doesn’t allow for magic to show up.

Instead this time, I just listened to all the experiences openly, attentively, no judgement, no negative feelings towards myself. And as I was listening to person after person telling their story I felt how a huge Universe was growing within me, I felt the experience of I AM THE UNIVERSE. Could see, feel, sense my Body within the Universe and the Universe Within my Body. So much magnitud, magnificence that it is hard to put into words. I was having such explosion … And I realised if I had judged the “thinking” that I hadn’t had an experience it would have most probably not happened for me, as my critical mind would have taken over the possibility of a more expanded awareness.

As Alcazar says, do not judge what others are saying or feel less than or jealous, instead replace it with amazement and as a demonstration that that can too happen to you.


4 Jan 2020

On 2020

I have been feeling into this New Year 2020 before the New Year, it’s like a cycle of energy, and for me it comes with a huge feeling of Possibility and Expansion. This is a general feeling, as there is still the ups and the downs, the better and the harder days. Nonetheless this year feels like the time, the opportunity for the Light, the Serenity and Harmony to reign and expand.

Interestingly enough, I have been reading about this year. In numerology this is a 22 year, with is the Master Number of Duality. What I understand from this is that this year is that of a year of a lot of Light and because we are in a reality of duality it is of a lot of Darkness as well.

In this earthly reality it is impossible to only have Light, as the Light shines stronger the Darkness, which is the shadow, the unconscious patterns are due to come out in order for the Light to transmute it.

So what it feels like is that it is the time to spread the Light, share our gifts and feel empowered and strong in them. Because at the same time we are going to see a lot of dark arising, crisis, scandals, etc. I feel like this has already started with what many people are calling WWIII, the USA - Iran situation.


2 Jan 2020

Managing Your Energy

Today I have been feeling into how it is that we manage our energy. What is it that we give energy to that either feeds us in positive ways or takes up towards more negative spaces.

Yesterday I found myself, “trapped in the internet” - before I even realised I had sent hours of my time on skimming- through things that are really of no interest to my heart / soul.

As I am in trapped in that cycle I can feel my energy contracting and depleting, and nonetheless I cannot stop myself from doing it. These are patterns of self sabotage, patterns which keep us depleted and unconscious. I know the best, MOST LOVING, thing to do is to get off the internet and focus my energy elsewhere, where I am brought back into the heart and into my center, where I realign with biggest most expanded part of myself.

Impressively enough, I am aware of these patterns, sense the energy and I am many times not able to bring myself back to wholeness. It is like in that process part of me dies or fractions.

When this happens it is not about beating myself up for not doing the correct thing, but instead it is about taking care of myself, really looking into this pattern and seeing the part of the self that is lacking love. If I love myself, if I want to be loving to myself then perhaps next time it really won’t happen - just like that, as a step and a process to loving myself a bit more.

As I write these words, I notice the power that we give into actions and thoughts - those things I read on the internet were still in my head today, and they were not thoughts containing the frequency of harmony, love, upliftment. It was more thoughts of comparison, unworthiness. And these are sometimes so strong in our cellular memory that they are very hard to push away back to where they came from.

Therefore, today, right now as I sit here I am going to embrace myself and make a firm declaration to move forward releasing these thoughts and choosing the most positive loving thoughts for myself.



Yesterday I came upon an incredibly interesting expert; Dr. Gabor Maté. He is an addiction expert who calls for a compassionate approach towards addiction.

Like me, he believes, that the source of addiction is not to be found in the genes but in the early childhood environment. Here is his webpage, full of extremely interesting interviews and info: https://drgabormate.com

The idea that our genes are not our reality is the field of study called EPIGENETICS. This is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.

You have cell membranes and the DNA is inside them. The cell membranes “read” all external signals coming from the environment and changes the genes inside accordingly. The external signals it reads are: Thoughts, Emotions, Food/Water, Movement, Air/Noice/etc.

This means that what we eat, think and feel CONTROLS how our genes are expressed. Your beliefs can indeed determine your biology. So you are not victim of your biology but you can program yourself according to your thoughts and environment.

I feel like understanding that we are not our genetic but our beliefs and conditioning is a very important step towards change. The moment you understand this you understand that with some awareness and introspection you can create your reality and live your most healthy self and taking reign of your real self.

It is important to be aware of what we say to ourselves every day - how do you program yourself?

If you want to discover more of your subconscious beliefs and programs it is worthwhile looking into it in a session in order to become aware of what is going on in the subconscious and reprogram your biology.

Triangle 2.jpg

As many of you might already know the power of the Triangle is one which has no comparison - there is a lot of information on it.

Not long ago, I was shown in a meditation how to use the Triangle as a vibrational healing tool. First I had an energetic golden Triangle downloaded into me through the crown and all the way through my central channel anchoring into the earth. I was able to see and feel how as it passed through my body its energetic frequency was healing every cell within me.

I was then shown how in the most simple of ways you can call upon this Triangle and place it in different places and the vibration changes. It is interesting to experiment with it, place it in different parts of your body or outside surroundings (food, nature, house, animals, others etc.) and notice how in seconds the vibration raises.

Once this is done allow for the Triangle to anchor down into Gaia, as what I was shown is that we are connected through our feet to the Soul of Humanity, to Gaia. So with this process what you are doing is taking the vibration further into the extent of Humanity and Gaia.


The first Connecting to Source Energy group session in London is on the 22nd September (7pm-9pm)

The gathering beautifully falls on the Equinox – considered to be a highly sacred and potent time of change.

This time is when the hours of the light and dark are the same. It represents a shift in the season, a time where the energy of the Sun and Moon are in complete balance.

We are all connected to this earth and to each other, so when significant changes in nature occur, we often feel them resonating within our soul.

In the Northern Hemisphere we are getting ready to shift into the season of autumn. The trees are getting ready to shed their leaves and let go of all the old in order to prepare for winter.

These changes will be reflected in our own vibration, our energy synching to that of Mother Earth.

The energy of the Equinox is going to help us shed the things that we no longer need and embrace the new.  Guided to release all the fears and patters that keep us stuck. Releasing attachments to what should be in order to embrace the way life is unfolding for us.  

“Emotions have great effect on our health” Interview with Dr. Jorge Carvajal

What is disease? It is a teacher, an opportunity to organize ourselves with a greater harmony in our life, on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

What becomes sick first, body or soul? The soul cannot get sick, it is the one thing that is perfect within you; the soul evolves, learns. Most of our diseases are the resistance of the emotional and mental bodies to the soul. Disease appears when our personality is resistant to the evolution of the soul.

Are there harmful emotions for our health? Which are the most harmful ones? 70% of human diseases come from the field of emotional consciousness. Disease might arise when there are non-processed, non-expressed or repressed emotions. Fear, which is that absence of love, is the great disease, the common denominator of great part of many of the diseases that we now have. When fear stays frozen it affects the kidneys, the adrenal glands, the bones, the vital energy, and it can transform into panic.

We act strong and we neglect our health? We need to take care. You need to recognize your limits and overcome them because if you don’t recognize them you will ruin your body.

How does anger affect us? Anger is holy, it is sacred, it is a positive emotions because it leads us to self-affirmation, to the search of our own territory, to defend what is yours, what is right. But when anger becomes irritability, aggressiveness, resentment, hatred, it turns against you, and it damages the liver, the digestive system, and the immune system.

Happiness on the other hand enables our health? Joy is the most beautiful of emotions because it is the emotion of innocence, of the heart, it is the most healing of all because it is not contrary to any other. A little bit of sadness with joy writes poems. Joy with fear makes us contextualize fear and to not give it so much importance.

Joy softens the mood and the spirit? Yes, joy softens all emotions because it allows us to process them truth innocence. Joy puts all other emotions in contact with the heart and gives them an ascending sense. It channels them to the mental world.

What about sadness? Sadness is a feeling that can take you to depression when you wrap yourself in it and don’t express it, but it can also help you. Sadness puts you in contact with yourself and restores inner control. All negative emotions have their own positive aspect; we make them negative when we repress them.

Is it best to accept those emotions we consider negative as part of oneself? As part of transforming them, meaning that when we accept them they flow, and they don’t become stagnant, and they can be transmuted. We need to channel them for them to go from the heart to the brain.

So hard! Yes, it is very difficult. Really, the basic emotions are love and fear (which is absence of love), so that everything that exists is love, in excess or defect. Constructive or destructive. Because there is also the love that holds on, the love that overprotects, toxic love, destructive.

How can we prevent disease? We are creators, so I think the best way creating health. If we create health we wont even have to prevent or attack disease, because we will be health.

What if disease appears? Well, we will have to accept it because we are humans. Krishnamurti also got sick, he had cancer in the pancreas and he didn’t have an unorganized life. Many spiritual valuable people have contracted disease. We need to explain this for those who think that disease equals failure. Both failure and success are great teachers, but nothing else. And when you are the student, you have to accept and incorporate the lesson of disease in your life.

Every time more people suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of emptiness, which at times becomes a hole in the stomach, a feeling of lacking air. It is an existential emptiness, which arises when we look outside instead of inside ourselves. It appears when we look in the outer events, when we look for external support, when we don’t have the solidity of the internal search. If we don’t accept loneliness, and we don’t become our own company, we are going to feel that emptiness and we will try filling it up with things and possessions. But since it cannot be filled with things, each time the emptiness increases.

What can we do to free ourselves from anguish? Anguish can’t be dealt with eating chocolate, or with more calories, or looking for the perfect man outside. Anguish dissolves when you go into your inside self, accepting yourself as you are, and you reconcile yourself. Anguish comes from not being what we want to be, but also what we are, then we are in the “should be”, and we are not one thing or the other. Stress is another “evil” of our times. Stress comes from competitiveness, wanting to be perfect, wanting to be better, wanting to play a tone which is not mine, wanting to imitate. And really you can only compete when you decide to be your own competition, meaning, when you are unique, original, authentic, not a photocopy of anyone. The destructive stress damages the immune system. But positive stress is wonderful, because it enables you to be alert and aware during crisis, and enables you to use them as and opportunity to emerge on another level of consciousness.

What do you recommend to feel better with oneself? Loneliness. To be with oneself everyday is wonderful. 20 minutes with oneself is the start of meditation, it is having a bridge towards real health, and it is the access to the inner altar, to the inner self.

My recommendation is to put your alarm clock 20 minutes before in the morning so you don’t take time away from your tasks. If you dedicate, not the leftover time, but those first minutes in the morning, when you are fresh and rested, to meditate, that pause is going to recharge you, because in the pause lives the potential of the soul.

What is happiness for you? It is the essence of life. It is the sense of life itself, we incarnate to be happy, not for anything else. But happiness is not pleasure; it is integrity. When all senses consecrate to the being, we can then be happy. We are happy when we belief in ourselves, we trust ourselves, we commission ourselves to a transpersonal level that transcends our little selves or ego.

We are happy when we have a sense that goes further than daily life, when we don’t postpone life, when we don’t move ourselves, when we are at peace and feel safe with life and with our awareness. Living in the Present.

Is it important to live in the present? How can we do this? We stop going to the past and we don’t mortgage our life to expectations for the future when we focus on being and not on having. I tell myself that happiness is linked to the realization and it having the capacity to inhabit in reality. And to live is really to get out of the world of confusion.

Are we that confused in your opinion? We have three big illusions that confuse us. First, we think we are a body and not a soul, when the body is the instrument of life and finishes with death. Second, we think that the sense of life is pleasure; but with more pleasure doesn’t come more happiness, instead more dependency. Pleasure and happiness is not the same. We need ot consecrate the pleasure in life and not life to pleasure. The third illusion, is power; we belief to have the infinite power to live.

And what do we really need to live? Love? Love, so attracted and so portrayed, and so maligned, is a renewing force. Love is magnificent because it creates cohesion. In love all is alive, like a river that renews itself. In love one can always renew oneself, because it puts order to everything. In love there is no abuse, there is no displacement, no fear, no resentment, because when you organize yourself because you live love, each thing occupies its place, and then harmony is restored.

Now, from human perspective, we associate it with vulnerability, but love is not weak. It weakness us when we understand that someone we love does not love us back. There is great confusion in our culture. We think we suffer from love, that our catastrophes are do to love, but it is not because of love, its do to amorousness, which is a variety of attachment. That what we usually call love is a drug. In the same way that we depend on cocaine, marihuana or morphine, we can also depend on amorousness. It is a crutch to lean on, instead of carrying someone in my heart to free it. True love has a fundamental essence that is freedom, and it always leads to freedom. If love leads to dependence it is eros. Eros is a phosphorous, and when you light it, it consumes very rapidly, in two minutes you have already burned a finger. Many loves are like this, pure sparks. Even though that spark can be used to light the log of true love, when the log is on fire it produces fire. That is the impersonal love that produces light and heat.

Can you give us a tip to reach true love? Only truth. Trust in truth; you don’t have to be like the princess in someone else’s dreams, you don’t need to be more or less than what you are. You have a sacred right, which is the right to be wrong; you have another one, which is to forgive, because error is your teacher. Love yourself, be sincere with yourself, and consider yourself. If you do not love yourself, you won’t find anyone that will be able to love you. Love produces love. If you love yourself you will find love. Otherwise you will find emptiness. Don’t look for a crumb, which is unworthy of you. The key is to love oneself; and to love your neighbor as yourself. If you don’t love yourself, or your son because there is attachment, you are conditioning the other. Accept yourself as you are; what we don’t accept we can’t transform, and life is a flow of permanent transformation.




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